1978 a 1979
Youth technical creativity contest, 2nd and 3rd prize
1980 – 1991
Production union Vkus – original work for clients, later head of the branch
1991 – 1997
Established own company, designed and produced small series of women's dresses; fashion shows in Prague in Lávka club; own shops in Hradec Králové, Jihlava and Mariánské Lázně
since 1998
Focusing only on original designs; established own fashion house in Nová Paka; worked for fashion galleries in Prague
Own fashion show in Prague for Holman costume jewellery
Designs for Ice Queen musical together with artist Vítězslava Klimtová
2001 and 2002
Dressing of Karel Vlach Orchestra
First prize in Wedding dress of the year
Paintings and clothing – exhibition in gallery GONG in Pardubice with painter Věra Hörstová, landscapes and flower still lives with designs from Flowers collection
1st Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Veletržní palác, author's collection with applied life flowers
2nd Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Lighthouse Palace, author's collection Black&White – hand-knitted laces, work with cut stones, collection of accessories made of glass and waxed pearls
Winning design at the World Cup Horse Races in Dubai
Presentation at costume jewellery exhibition in Paris
3rd Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Žofín
Leather collection, work with glass and waxed pearls
Dressing of Miss Europe Junior
Opening salon in Prague
4th Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Žofín
Extravagant designs for Czech Miss
A doll production for UNICEF
5th Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Žofín, work with rhinestone costume jewellery
Jablonec Triennial – designs for AG Plus
Winter collection of knitted fashion for Pingouin brand, France
Kopidlno flower – an exhibition of flower wedding dresses
Collection of maternity fashion for Antonín Pařízek's Book about pregnancy and children
6th Great fashion show and wedding dress auction in Žofín – topic: dance
Dressing of Miss Europe Junior
Dressing of TV show Duets
Dressing of Princess of the World